it's a lovely morning but i'm stuck in the office with work that i don't feel like doing.
somehow i'm on low drive. perhaps because it's good friday this week and i'm already in a holiday mood.
but i know i should be grateful that i still secured this job, when CY company is going to move to china end of the mth.
it worries me coz jobs not coming in easy recently and i feel helpless coz i do wanna help but don't know how, except forwading jobs etc but i'm really not the one fighting in interview frontlines.
me on the other hand, considering of changing job too as i don't see myself still doing this in 5 years time, heck i'm even sure the company is still around in 5 years time, and it'd be too late then age wise to start a new career.
considered moving back to kl, but then after living in japan during my study years and singapore the whole my working years, going back to city like kl doesn't sound too tempting.
first, i wouldn't want to get caught by some religious officials during my night-outings and be treated like criminals.
then, i wouldn't want my phone line to get disconnected because somehow i never received the bills and upon complaining, get scolded by the phone officer who said i should come collect the bills at their office if i failed to receive them (btw, i swear i'd explode like an overdue time bomb if i were in my father's shoe the time it happened).
i mean, the whole city is full of inconveniences, and don't even get me started on customer service. public transport is long hopeless case and even the traffic is a match for bangkok rush hrs.
and god forbid i'll end up eating any of those halal pig-intestine-wrapped sausages.
ok i better get back to work.
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