Saturday, July 25, 2009

all that has (not) gone bonkers

i'm having headache from laying on the bed too much. it's saturday noon, and i really don't feel like doing anything else. you know, i had plan to wash my car since i saw the rims were all dirty and yellow when we exhanged the punctured tyre. ok not we, but this guy from nissan emergency line that came for my rescue when i found out my front wheel went punctured in orchard's far east plaza carpark around friday midnight, in what was a fitting ending to my harry potter half blood prince night out.

but now i just don't feel like washing anything. hey it's weekend, why do i need to do something that i don't feel like it? i already have the whole weekdays for that.

by the way, is it me or the weeks have gone by so fast nowadays? one minute it's saturday and before i know it, it's already another saturday and i'm delaying the car wash plan to yet another week. it's horrifying. it's like some magical being somewhere is fast forwarding the time.

people said time flies when you're having fun, which i think should be true because if so, we don't put convict in prison if 10 years prisonment feels like 10 minutes. especially not when you get beaten and forced to eat faeces in the cell as were revealed during the recent singapore courtroom trial.

well you see, at least people here got fair hearings and their grieves answered, unlike in malaysia where you could get killed in the most suspicious ways but yet nobody cares when the killers are part of the government body.

nah i'm not gonna venture much on that here now. apparently if you have decided which side of the story you want to believe, there's little other people could do to change your mind. it's like the religion. each people believe wholeheartedly in their religion, thinking others are plain wrong, when the fact is there should be a greater truth out there and yours might or might not be it.

what i'm saying is, we should open our minds and see sense. when you think we should leave that MACC murder case solely to the police investigation when we all know police and the MACC are under one umbrella, you're obviously deluded in your own perfect little world.

the best thing is, i'm not in that country, and if that young ex-model kelantanese princess could escape her allegedly abusive prince husband only when they were in singapore with all those bodyguards, god knows we are in safe hands here. it's such a black period there back home, sometimes you just wish you wake up one day and it's already the 13th general election when we have the chance once more to make things right. which mind you, at the rate the weeks seem to blast past by me nowadays, shan't be too long.

being away from home, my year has been particularly not too bad if i'm being honest. just yesterday, we booked our way to boracay island in the phillipines for a holiday in november. i heard it's a lovely paradise beach there that is one of the top beaches in the world. how promising is that? i'm so excited. and not that i have nothing to look forward too until november. i have yogyakarta borobudur trip in 2 weeks time, and then macau and hong kong trip after my hari raya break. all i got to say is, so far i've been truly blessed.

i mean, who cares if my rims are all dirty and yellow?


Thursday, July 16, 2009

the thorny affair

i'm under informal quarantine now. ok, the actual words from the doctor were for me to rest at home and recuperate, which i then translated as, to do intensive facebooking and catching up with my blog.

so let me backtrack a little bit.

i want to write about the durian farm visit a couple of weeks back.

you'd think what's so special about going to some far far away places just to eat some durians, right? well let me tell you something about durian.

durian eaters are like cult members. they could go all extreme. they could splurge their money on the expensive clones, they find ways to smuggle the pungent fruit where its forbidden and for our case, travel hundred of miles just to hunt for it.

one more thing.. it's usually worth it.

i found this particular forum in the internet discussing about good durian farm places. it's not hard, you just google 'malaysia good durian farm' and everything pops out in a list, waiting to get laid.

the most prominent one from the conversations is the one in segamat. now, that sleepy town of segamat in malaysia's southern state of johore is well known for its durians. which makes me wonder actually, because it's not like segamat has different climate than the rest of the country. still, if you sell durian and you claim they're from segamat, you could bring the price up the sky.

ok so i set up my GPS that early morning and left north. the trick is, to cross the singapore-malaysian border before 7am because that's when the traffic normally starts to get congested. picked up some friends in johore baharu and then we convoyed towards the malaysian north-south highway.

tangkak town, heard that its well known for its textile

we took the tangkak exit, about 200km north from the singapore border. after the toll, we turned right, and travel about 30km more passing through tangkak town, then some palm oil plantation and sugar cane farm until we see a signboard to kg teratai. we took the right junction right and travelled about 3km deep and voila, we were there!

the target destination, kg teratai durian farm

the place is actually a just small shelter that have lots of durians just brought over from the trees. we paid RM22 and we could eat all that we want the whole day! well, theoretically, because normally you'd stop after an hour or two because they are very filling, and you'd be burnt hot by then haha... durian will make your body hot after consuming.

there are lots of durian types. normal village durian is the common, cheaper ones with thin meat and big seeds inside. the cloned durians like the D-series, XO and the most famous Mountain Cat King, have fleshier meat and smaller seeds. That's why they are more expensive, sometimes can reach about RM20 per kg.

those that we feasted on. there are yellow, bright orange and whitish...

for our eyes they might just look the same, green and thorny but there are ways to identify them. for instance, the mountain cat durian has distinct orange star at the bottom.

mountain cat durian, the most expensive clone

we had fun there. although the mountain cat durian was not included in the eat-all-you-can durian buffet, they gave us one to sample, and that was good enough. i mean, the rest of them tasted divine too. as the durians just fall off the trees the night before, the fleshy meat inside has not turn mushy.

opening the durian, and me fooling around haha

i plan to go there again next year.


Thursday, July 02, 2009

the way he makes me feel

i'm overly efficient today. it's just 3pm and i'm proud to say i've finished my work. not only my work, but my colleague's work too. she's down with fever today.

you know, getting fever today is a big deal. hearing people getting fever is just like hearing an interesting gossip that is worth to be passed around.

because having fever could mean getting the recent H1N1 virus outbreak, and being the first in our company will really make you popular. i bet people would even get jealous, because when else could you rest at home with nobody questioning your mc?

ok even if we do get H1N1, what's the big deal anyway? nobody dies yet, and none even seriously ill. thus, that 7 days quarantine really sounds like a good deal.

so anyway, my fellow colleague is away. actually my boss is away too. he is down with flu. you see, that just showed that i don't mingle with my boss much. either he only concentrates on someone doing more important stuff (read : that colleague of mine that got fever) or he trust me running my own show.

i prefer to think it's the latter. because gosh, i must be on fire since yesterday night when i stayed back late after work despite no overtime pay and no aircond. it really has been awhile since i lend myself top charity like this.

partly i guess because of michael jackson. he might have passed away unexpectedly last week but as far as i'm concern, or most of everybody else's concern for that matter, he's more alive now than ever.

i mean, when else could you have michael jackson's songs and performances played over and over again in pc, mp3 and youtube? i caught few of my collagues watching the history world tour on youtube during lunch break, and i already have michael's songs in rotating list in my mp3 while doing my lab analysis.

something in his songs could lift your spirit up. seriously, give it a listen. instead of feeling down and sleepy after lunch, i got all energetic in the lab humming man in the mirror while checking the leakage current characteristic. even when i'm walking with the way you make me feel plucked in my ears, it's hard not make a little skip or a prompt cool slide down the floor when nobody's looking.

before i know it, my job is done, and my colleague's job is done too. my hands must be unusually fast to keep with smooth criminal's beat. that's what music could do to you. have you seen those filipino prisoners that really got in sync dancing to the thriller? rapers and murderers got hand in hand trying to terrorize this poor lil' man-girl...

ok i still got some time left. maybe i'll go around checking if there's anybody else's jobs lying around to do. i'm already ready to play don't stop till you get enough...
