Tuesday, September 09, 2008

break fast countdown

faster than a ray of light, it's already the 9th day of Ramadhan, the fasting month.

does it bare any significance to me? yes. well, today is the 2nd time i broke fast inside my car with one hand on the steering.

why? because some buggers decided it was a perfect time to do stunts on the road and caused accidents.

or else, how could any car meet with an accident in singapore highways? the road is 4-lanes big, very clear road dividers, super bright lightings, no construction holes whatsoever, and there are speed limit reminder every 10 steps, not to mention speed camera at every 10 breaths.

because of the road jam, i only drank a vitagen and munched some bread pudding that was so mediocre i forgot why i munched it in the first place behind the wheel at 7.08pm sharp.

the reason why i went back late just now was because i attended the weekly yoga class after work in the office.

yes, you heard that right. i did yoga. weird?

one thing i hate is that people tend to think that you are all weak when you're fasting. they expect you to look like old vegetable all day.

so i'm fasting. big deal. i still do my weekly badminton and you know what? i survived it. for all i know, i even felt lighter with zero foreign substance in my system.

the other day, i went to work all red-eyed, sleepy and miserable, and my colleague was like, 'oh you look tired. must be the fasting..'

which was so not. i played tennis the night before until late, and then some break fast late night rendezvous so i practically went asleep at 3am, woke up 4.30am for morning iftar, and slept again till 7am.

for all i know, the first week of Ramadhan had me all busy with activities, which god forbids my father from finding this out, has nothing to do with this holy month.

which should be ok, right? as long as i observe my utmost dedication to the rituals in daytime. not enough, i even extended my good deeds beyond daytime.

like just now. i never curse those accident buggers that held me up.

ok maybe i gloated a lil' bit.


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