emancipation of who?
bought the new mariah's album 'the emancipation of mimi'.
yup you read the title right. though looking at the cover, there's hardly anything else to emancipate, isn't there?
i must say this one's definitely better than her previous few albums. just hear the voice. as if she's trying to prove that she still has that 8-octave range in addition to her current busty asset.
if i needed to increase my speaker to hear her notes in charmbracelet, in this album she could easily light-up singapore with mere energy of her blazing desibles.
i'm not complaining though. the higher the better.
you see some ppl are just blessed. this girl just scream her lungs out in between those sexy vixen poses and ppl would easily forget those hard-work 20 dollars spent.
one more thing i found amusing? the fact that i enjoyed her lyrically sad songs more. the more dramatic the better. you can have guy-ran-over-by-a-train-on-a-date lyrics and i'd still somehow feel it touched my heart.
not that i have tonnes of such experience of course. i guess ppl take lots of things for granted when they're happy. sad ppl are more sensitive.
for instance, look at ppl after break-ups. they can't see the restaurant they first dated in, can't be in falling autumn leaves where they first kissed under, or even can't use the same scented candles they burned when they first made love.
these things make perfect lyrics. just hear 'we belong together'.
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