Tuesday, August 26, 2008

a nation in distress

so anwar ibrahim won the malaysia's permatang pauh by-election.

with a bigger majority too! you see, having found it impossible to topple anwar in this home turf, the ruling national front party resorted to this conception, where they would consider victory if they were able to only reduce the majority.

haha so eat that s*ckers!

now, do i think the EC is 100% reliable and clean from any misdeed? nope. there were far too many complaints, about the waxed voting papers, missing or duplicated registration names, phantom voters, to just to name a few. but at least, nobody think these so-accused-riggings have anything to do with anwar's victory.

this landslide win is all attributed to the power of the people, who have spoken loud and clear that they wanted anwar back in the parliment. personally, i hope he will quickly topple the current government because excuse me, i don't have much confidence in the government that only interested in investigating other people's anus and swearing on the holy book that they don't know a certain mongolian model.

seriously. i mean, what kind of government that increase and reduce petrol price to the function of election dates? where's the integrity of the government that sneaked in dna identification bill in parliment whilst the bulk of the opposition was campaigning in Permatang Pauh?

as long as there is almost 50-50 representative from the ruling national front coalition and the opposition in the parliment, they will continue condemning each others down. which means, we can safely assume that there will be zero development until at least the next 4 years, when it will be time again for the general election.

that's why i believe anwar wining is the first step towards creating an alternative govenment which hopefully can turn malaysia to a better future. until then, i would continue to hang my flag upside down.


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