Monday, August 18, 2008

i hate wireless routers!

i hate wireless routers.

the last time i tried to configure one, back when i was still staying in a rented place with that horrible housemate, things went horribly wrong.

ok that horrible housemate was the one configuring it on my pc because he wanted to share the connection, but still i was left a few days with sero internet! it was like living in a cave.

losing internet connection is such a nightmare. for me, it ranks out there with other horrid things, you know, like hunger, death, and abdullah ahmad badawi.

so when i bought this wireless router just now, i had a tiny whiny hope that everything would work out alright. after all, the shop person insisted that the installation should be simple enough and fool-proof.

yeah right.

so when lee chong wei was fighting for his life from being totally annihilated by lin dan in beijing olympics men's gold medal match, i was fighting for my life from being tangled up in all those ethernet wires.

in the end, i managed to get things right... in the next morning! the remedy? i just had to restart my modem, and voila! everything works in place and i don't feel like burning the whole pc system anymore.

but that doesn't change the fact that wireless router is the ultimate evil evil being that the world could be better without.

or at least, just during lee chong wei's final gold medal match...


p/s to keep to record straight, linksys router is wonderfully simple enough, just maybe i was just 'that' dumb when it comes to router setting...

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