my heart is beating keeps on repeating
my brain is in a mess. it's now functioning like a hard disk with the red busy light kept-on-no-make-it-consistently blinking, you know like when all other applications run haywire and you're forced to restart the whole system.
somehow i started to give a thought on every single single little things, analyzing every acts and then checking my phone inbox every now and then with glitters of hope kept on coming and getting dashed all day.
no wonder ppl refers this as affair of the heart. it's an affair, it's meant to be complicated, or in some case, it would even potentially involve a mongolian model and bunch of explosives. maybe this is normal after all.
or maybe i just have too much brain space for unnecesssary activities. take yesterday, everything was good wasn't it when i was all busy? at least i did nothing that i could regret of.
aside from being inactive in the first few hours of the afternoon when i had headache. but again, not that i could control that, couldn't i? i don't know why i had these headcahes lately. maybe i should get my eyes checked or something.
the durian eating escapade in jb was a success. at first, it was close to getting axed because of some miscommunication. it's a long story, i wanted it on saturday instead of sunday so that we have more time to spend but someone already made arrangements for sunday because i never replied when it was suggested via e-mail blah blah blah.
anyway, that's all history. there was this local fruit fair in angsana that we went to. it involved a lot of waiting at first till 3 of us just went ahead munching without the rest joining. i mean, why make a simple task so hard? i wanted to eat there and then go watch movie, it was not really our fault if people got delayed because of house viewing or visiting clinic or whatever.
there was a long line queuing for tickets in tebrau city jusco. apparently most people went for transformers and harry potter. since most of us already watched transformers, and i already have tickets for harry potter on monday (although i didn't mention this to anyone), we settled for die hard 4.0.
which i'm glad we did. that was no doubt the best movie so far this summer. even better than transformers. who cares about car-changing robots when you can have john mc clain? when he hit that black-haired IT-girl bitch hard on the face and pulled her hair off, it felt like christmas. what about when he flew the car to hit that helicopter? never had i applaud violence so much in my life.
then we went to danga bay for a short karaoke session. i think half of johorians were there at danga bay on that saturday night. it was all buzzy with people eating, dating, karaoke-ing and even cycling with carriage-like vehicle. it was so lively.
what's unique, at least for me, for this karaoke is that we pay by number of songs instead of hourly. it's RM2 per song, so we paid for 10 songs. they had this small cage-like mirrored boxed room where you karaoke while people can see you from outside which make you feel a bit like creatures on display. i wonder what would people say when they saw us covering our ears while our more enthusiastic member screamed their lungs out singing. i guess the theme of the night was who could deliver high pitch screaming that could break glasses.
my friend drove me back into singapore after midnight, which was really a relief. i happily tucked in to bed and then realized i left my car in my company. man, how could i forget to bring back my car? i left it there so that i could take my friend's bike to jb in the morning.
i'm such a durr-brain.
the night would have been at least close to perfect despite all of that had i got to make that phone call, or even received a brief morning message but well, sometimes we just need to reboot our brain so we could move on.
i wish.
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