Saturday, June 02, 2007

i only say it 'coz i can

it's 7am in the morning.

i'm writing on my new chair i bought in IKEA yesterday before my parents arrived. my father kept on dragging the dining chair everytime he wanted to use my pc because the old one was too small for him, so i figured i should buy a bigger one.

plus, i really need to be comfortable in order to get all the creative juice out when i write my blog, you know like jk rowling used to sit in her favourite cafe while writing harry potter. especially when it has been awhile since i last wrote.

not intentionally of course.

blame it on intel motherboard. when i decided to upgrade my pc, my friend was like, 'take intel it's more stable with intel processor'. strike one.

then the shop people (bliss in sim lim square) after he opened my old pc to transfer my hard disk to my new assembled one, 'oh you were using matsonic. lousy motherboard'. strike two.

and so i foolishly agreed. strike three game over.

take this. only in the second night, the 965RX intel motherboard suddenly shut down while in idling mode, kicking my house electric fuse off in the process. whatever happened was so serious that the fuse kept kicking back when i tried to restore the fuse.

i imagine the people in matsonic would laugh off their chair if they know about this. i could go in their advertisement saying how my matsonic never blew up as opposed to this well-known 'brand I'.

i am never gonna use intel mother board again.

why the hell that it took a week (which equals to like forever in my life without a working pc) to get a replacement? i mean, what if i were the man in pentagon in front of a red button with the word 'press to launch missile' written in bold on it? do i get a week off because the damn replacament motherboard has yet to arrive?

it's ridiculous. and just to get replacement. i shudder to think how long it takes to get it repaired next time.

by the time i got back my life, i mean my pc running, i already got back my car from the workshop so there was little left to bitch about what happened in the car park earlier.

actually, not that i would. bitch about i mean. well not much anyway. it all started when i went down to the basement carpark one innocent saturday afternoon to go out to buy lunch and i saw my car front bumper dented.

my car was hit! my not-even-3-months-old car. apparently the car parking at the side brushed it off when pulling out of the car park.

so there was i standing didn't know what to do and was about to cry out loud 'oh god why me' when i spotted this white paper slipped under the wiper.

it reads, 'knocked into your front bumper. please contact me. XXXXXXX roy'.

and so i did. the culprit was actually a hyundai matrix car with a 28 years old owner who later, finished each of his phone messages to me with 'sorry for causing such inconvenience'.

that, my friend, in metropolitan singapore social life, is equivalent to a dalai lama act.

how can i swear to such a person? i almost wanted to take him as my godbrother instead.

he offered to pay me himself if the repair cost was about $200 but when you go to the original workshop, they aren't exactly gonna have cost-cutting in mind when repairing. it ended up a whopping... you know i don't even know how much it really costs. the other party is the one going to pay anyway so does it really matter for me?

"my 'defeated car'

thereafter when i was on the road driving the nissan sunny temporarily provided by my insurans company, i'd look longingly everytime i spotted a black latio on the road.

and it does leave a dent phsycologically in me too. it's like you had sex the first time and think you'll never be virgin again. everything changed. now everytme i park my car, i'd chose the spot with a wall or pillar on the non-exit side so none will brush off my car ever again. the last thing i want, is to go nissan workshop and being greeted, 'oh you again', innocent or guilty.

the second last thing i want? for this dry season to go on.

oh god.


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