and you love, and you hate, and you wait
'coz one minute goes fast.
and it was a fantastic 4 night last night. for the 2nd time during this summer block buster season, i went out with my colleagues to watch, simply because some other people's schedule just couldn't be anymore wrong.
well anyway, it was still good. you know, the reason i felt upbeat about worklife nowadays is partly because of the company of these wonderful people so it's not like i'm complaining.
not much anyway.we watched the movie at the cathay beside plaza singapura. the funny thing is, i've never noticed this building before. it's either on my blind spot or just simply very forgettable. it's huge and everything but kinda too whitish so i guess after such lively plaza singapura outlook on the front, this cathay building is just too pale to be noticed.
ok time for my verdict of fantastic 4 - rise of the silver surfer. well, i feel that this fantastic 4 has the same problem as spiderman 3. it has superb actions and cool special effects (i love it when sue storm displayed her energy bind power. i have this thing about strong powerful female to be frank) but the storyline sucks. i mean, and i must warn that this is a spoiler big time, this surfer guy kept destroying planets to save his own but after meeting jessica alba, he resorted to blowing himself up to save the earth, which he could have done long ago. talk about too sudden change of heart.
and lesson derived from this movie, is that suicide bombing saves the world in the end when nothing else does. sounds familiar? now who came up with this storyline i don't know, but this is apparently what hollywood planted on our minds, among other ridiculous ideas. i mean, how bad a storyline you could get?
nevertheless i was still entertained throughout the show. the jokes were good, we laughed a lot and if that was not a good time i don't know what it was. only that, the one suggested the outings was in a hurry to go back after the movie so everybody promptly followed to go back too. it was a bit like, you know, when people rush to dress up and leave immediately after sex that makes you feel they are insincere about the whole thing, leaving you feeling a bit cheated.
so there were we in a what must be one of the hippest place among youngsters on friday night, and we were taking the lift down at 9.30pm? the only consolation, was that there were mostly kids at the cathay. seriously. i felt a bit like i was on a kindergarten outing out there. so when my friend left, i decided to go back too before anybody thought i was babysitting or something. not to mentioned i feel like about a 100 years old there.
plus i need to relax a bit. that's what weekends should be for, right? recharging used up body and mind. i already had a busy day the day before, work and outside work.
there was this departmental meeting on thursday when the boss asked me to present my technical work. i already had the material prepared when i sent my report previously so it was only a matter of converting it to a presentation-for-dummies format. when you present something too technical and dry, people tend to lose it in the middle. after all, we are all normal people, not nerds that get orgasm everytime seeing complicated equations on board. ok most of us not anyway, so i got to make that as simple as i could.
it turned up ok. in fact, i was enjoying it. even threw some jokes around to make it lively. who says technical presentation must be dead serious? it was my one way of calming myself from all the stage fright. other tips would be to consistently remind myself that i was the topic master, and the rest has no clue about it so why should they intimidate me?
i wasn't very lucky at night when we played our bowling league after work. i lost 1-3 in individual but overall my team still won 13-7. i hate to lose. that guy just wacked the balls as hard as he could. i was confident to win until he got 4 strikes in a row in final frames, making me feel like the world was against me. have i offended any bowling lane spirits or something? otherwise tell me how could among my first 6 throws, 3 were splits. my lady luck must be vacationing in the middle east and got blew up or something.
ok i feel that this post gets a bit too wordy. i start to feel as if i'm preaching. to balance it out, here are my pictures of my new goldfish that i bought from qianhu fish farm in chua chu kang last weekend (gold ranchu $25, lionhead black oranda $8). yes i travelled across the whole island just to get 2 tiny lil' fish, call me a fish freak.
golden ranchu. i love this one, should've gotten one long ago
black lionhead oranda. now you see why i said this is hard to see
i kinda regret buying the black oranda because i can't see the fish properly in the tank due to dark wallpaper. i should have gotten a bright coloured more prominent ones. oh well. the golden ranchu was spot on though.
oh btw about the tennis match i wrote about last time, nadal won. yaaayyy!! i sure bragged about it A LOT the next day, now i need a period of repent before i jinxed him further. he already lost in grass court queens tournament yesterday. you see, one minute you win, one minute you lost. as kelly clarkson sings it, nothing ever really lasts.
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