miles to go before i sleep
tired. gosh i felt very worn-out. like that pot of leafy plant i always forgot to water outside my kitchen window.
i had just arrived home after a drive back from kl. it was a far and boring drive. god i was damn sleepy till blasting kelly clarkson off my stereo still felt like an afternoon preach. i had to play catch and run with some cars just to stay awake.
it was my sister's solemnization ceremony last sunday. man i couldn't believe she got enganged. i just couldn't believe my lil' sister is all grown-up now.
the ceremony was held at my parent's house because it's a custom to do this at the bride's place. me being there was on perfect timing too because until the ring safely shoved onto her finger, i was kinda like a cheap labour imported from singapore.
ok ok that was a bit exaggerated but we did work our asses off to getting the house ready to receive those 70-over close relatives from both ours and the groom's sides. in the end, everything went on smoothly.
well except the caterer's food arrived late 30 minutes after the event started, and a sudden thunderstorm after the event ended caused the marque outside to collapse. here's the rings that she got. i realized she did not give any ring in exchange. apparently it's not in the custom (really?). so i said she better give or else people would think he's single.
not that i think he would. he seem like a good man. he better be, or as mariah carey says, i will hunt him down.
i wanted to post my photo taken with her, but standing beside all-made-up-bride, i don't have much of a self confidence hahaha..
plus, i have this aunt who has a motor-mouth. she always talk, well.. bare and uncensored she made madonna sounded like a saint. last sunday she just paraded into our door amongst other attendees, laid eyes on me and asked why i looked so dark and what the hell happened to my hair.
to my defense, i just came back from the vietnam trip, where the sun was blazing hot. it's no wonder i'm a bit tanned. and my last hair dresser was heavily pregnant, she could be having afternoon sickness or something while giving me that haircut.
but still... that was why the first thing i did after i arrived home just now, was went for a hair trim, you know, despite being all tired and sleepy.
i always favour this place 'hair secretz' at eastpoint. it was monday afternoon so the place was all empty. there were 2 hairdressers doing my hair the same time, i felt every bit like an idol touched-up before a stage appearance. before i knew it, my hair was already in shades of hazel brown!the shop lady was like, 'just do 3 stripes lah, look more trendy...ok i give you 4 stripes for price of 3'... and i fall for it. in the end i got 9 stripes when all i wanted to do was having a haircut.
god i'm such an easy ripped-off. although i must say i quite like the hazel shades in the end hehe..
after all, why not, right? i just adores people with opinions, because most of the time i have none. if she were to ask how i wanted the hairstyle, most probably i'd go, 'what do you think?' instead.
not just that, but in everyday life too. 99% of the time i'm content to just follow other people's suggestions. i'm like water filling every bends and curves with zero ability to carve my own path.
in fact, i don't understand even my own heart sometimes. i'm missing people that i should not have, and i'm abandoning people that i should care. the affairs of the heart just go haywire as far as i'm concerned.
what i'm sure of, is affairs of the bed. time for my well-deserved hybernation...
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