Saturday, February 02, 2008

doth i'm a little blah

gosh it's already february.

it's not my fault this is my first blog of 2008. i swear the world spins faster nowadays. it's like i'm playing catch and run with time.

before i knew it, there are dark circles under my eyes. must be from staying up late and staring at the computer monitor all the times. daytime for work, and nighttime for facebook.

i must remember to get me a new screen filter.

the year has not started that great. the celebration was a quite blast though. we had fun at esplanade on the eve.

ok we should have chosen to hang out at the merlion but still, not every year that we got to watch the fireworks from behind the outlines of construction crane at the esplanade.

and don't say being led together with the mass crowd to exit the city area after that by the police through lots of closed road not a bit irritatingly fun. i felt just like a mouse in a maze box trying to find my cheese.

well at least better than the year before when i was on bed instead being the most boring person on earth.

we went to the singapore national museum on Jan-1st.

weird choice to start the new year huh? my friends from malaysia wanted to go there so we went. to our surprise, it was a free entrance that day, and the singapore history section was very entertaining.

i never thought of saying this, but i really do feel like going there again.

despite all that, the year has not been fully on my life track. yet. i'm still struggling at work, trying to find my worth and purpose in this new device group.

the problem is, the lead pretty much did all the things herself, making me feel very much redundant. which is ok until my boss asked me what have i been working on and i started perspiring.

last week he offered me to go to our US headquarters in idaho for the next coming device that i'm going to handle.

idaho. that boring all-desert-and-nothing-else place again. i'm so over that town. i was there in 2006, and was mesmerized by the big land, flowing rives and bald hills for 5 minutes, and then i long for the after work rush hour in singapore again.

i must have the city DNA in my blood. putting me there is like putting a fresh water fish into the ocean.

plus, the company took most of the out-station benefits away for cost cutting. no more business class flight, only 15% pay bonus and limited petrol allowance that only get us to work and nowhere else.

i'm tired of being in this industry you know. semiconductor memory industry sucks. do you notice how cheap the price is in the market? i mean, is there even any meaning of going up and down the lab anymore? the memory price and company stock market still go down anyway.

i attend the wedding dinner of this friend last week at marina mandarin hotel. nothing much to write about the wedding. after awhile, you can used to all the tricks on their sleeves. replace the face of the bride and groom and it could be anybody's wedding.

on our table, there was this ex-colleague who quit on 2006. she furthered her study in financial engineering and voila, she's with the citigroup now looking so glowingly elegant and succefsful.

i wish i had the courage to do something drastic like that. the problem with me is that i tend to panic for 10 minutes, then keep on living my old live. i wish there were signs, you know, like a dream or something, when an old man with a white long beard and a stick told me out of nowhere what to do.

meanwhile the time passed quickly. next week it's already the new lunar rat year. as usual, my parents will come over.

i hope the clock will still be ticking then.

looking for a better 2008


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