Friday, April 09, 2010

maroon box in meeting room

we had team building meeting yesterday in the company. at time like this, i just love this meeting, simply because..

1) i have nothing else better to do
2) no bosses in the meeting
3) we could talk about fun stuff, like where are good eating places in singapore.

no pressure at all, and also actually related to our everyday lives. i mean, who cares how many memory chips passing our test flow, right?

plus, yesterday when i entered the meeting room, i saw this maroon bengawan solo cake box on the table in the middle of the room.

it was a birthday cake! i was already hungry having been to office cafeteria but couldn't find anything edible to eat at tea break time just shortly before.

even better?

the cake was actually for me!

ok, me and this one other guy but still, it was for us!

you see, my birthday was just on last saturday on april 3. however, i was in a train somewhere in remote thai region when the clock striked 12, at thailand nongkhai and laos border when i woke up in the morning, at laos vientiane in the afternoon and luang prabang by sunset.

so i could barely know my barring, let alone to sit down and celebrate my own birthday.

in fact, the first person who wished me happy birthday in person, was lao immigration lady at the friendship bridge.

which is still cool for me. i mean, how many of you being wished happy birthday by a lao immigration lady before?


so even with a bengawan solo cake that i was only entitled to 50% of it, i am still happy. hey, that might be, ok most probably be the ONLY cake i will have for me this year.

ok there weren't any singing and candle blowing, but that's ok. my wishes never came true anyway so why bother make any? somehow i always end up with the bad part of the probability. the queue line i choose is always the slowest, it always rain when i want it sunny and i'm never getting promoted.

most of the time now, i don't even have any preference anymore. i want to just lay on bed and close my eyes.

so tell me what else to be upbeat about a birthday? for all i know, the cake is the best thing that could ever happen. trust me.

that, and the team building meeting.


Thursday, April 08, 2010

try writing with a broken mind

ok now i'm having a bit of a time in my hand.

ok not literally, you can't REALLY have time in your hand. i mean, how are you gonna hold time? you cannot even see time right?

different case if it's a 'TIME' magazine.

what i'm saying is, i have free time.

not free as in non-PAID. in fact, i am actually being paid for my time now because i'm in the office and supposed to crunch up numbers to please some people now.

i'm just have nothing to do at the moment lahh...

see? my scatter-brain still works. i'm still able to write non-sensical stuff even if i haven't been writing much lately.

ok that's an understatement. haven't been writing much, i mean. in real world, i'm like that small kid who went missing for many years, started to get forgotten, and suddenly reappeared all grown up and everything.

and people was like, asking the boy what happened during all those years when he was missing? and that boy just gave them a blank stare, lost for words to describe the traumatic experience.

except in my case, i wasn't traumatic, kidnapped or anything. ok in a very lose term, i was indeed kidnapped.

by facebook and by air asia.

i am totally hooked by facebook. you know, sometimes when i woke up in the middle of the night after a nightmare or a wet dream or when some big hairy stuff trampled over me on bed (ok that last one never happened), i briefly opened my facebook account to see for any new notification, or if there isn't any, just to browse through the latest news feed.

so uncool huh?

i just couldn't help it. everytime after i wrote a status update, i felt like a pop idol who has just released a new song to the public via vevo. would it hit 10 million viewers in 3 days like that telephone video?

i know it's just pathetic, but sometime you just have to live in your small little world, don't you? and when it is getting too pathetic that you feel like jumping off the ledge, you go and get away from it all.

and it truly helps when air asia released all those zero dollars deal.

so it is not my fault that i have been flying quite a lot lately. everytime when i say i'm flying off to somewhere, my friends would ask.. again?

which i think it's a tad exaggerated. i mean, how many flights are there per day, per year and to how many destinations? i could not have flown even 0.01% of them all, right?


so you see, i have been busy measuring mostly the south east asian region corner to corner for the last year or so, i might as well have worked in google map plotting company.

even before i had time to upload the photos and write blogs about the trip, the time is always due for the next one.

but i'm back now. for now at least. i promise myself i will stay in this island at least long enough for my seat warmed up, which should be shorter than what it takes for lady gaga to release her next hit single, before i go browsing the online flight booking website again.
