Friday, October 05, 2007

make music not missiles

forgive me for being dormant. try not eating the whole day and then have sumptuous dinner, you'd cringe for bed at 9pm too. i felt just like a phyton after meal.

however, i managed to drag all my limbs to roam around bugis shopping street just now. it's friday night, it's a sin to stay at home anyway. (btw, i saw this guy wearing 'make music not missiles' t-shirt just now which i think is so cool).

i must say it was a relief to be away from work. the past week had been crazy. we had 2 half-days training conducted by this guy from our main US headquarters, so i struggled to complete my usual assignments on time.

the good news is, i felt motivated working again. it's as if everything went back to normal. as if that unfortunate paper stating my pathetic increment and no promotion never ever came. like it was all just a bad dream.

i watched nicole kidman latest movie, the invasion few days ago. it's about this outer-space organism that invades human body system making them devoid of emotion.

supposedly it would make the world a better place. they said (ok actually the infected people said this before forcing that outerspace substance onto normal people), when people don't have emotion, they don't argue, they don't quarrel so they would be no more confrontation or war.

which all makes sense if you ask me. just ask those people in iraq.

apparently the infection would start to take effect only after they fell sleep. like a short incubation period. which is probably why i'm no longer dissapointed right now. heck i even started smiling at my boss again, you know, instead of picking pins onto his voodoo doll.

especially after the career roadshow at my company last tuesday. the thing is, our company is gonna expand to a new plant in north singapore. the roadshow was to promote that new site and encourage people to transfer there.

i'm so interested. it's a start-up plant so it's all a fresh new challenge for me, you know, considering i already felt like hitting the wall in my present position. career wise, it's definitely a better prospect. and the money supposed to be better too.

only that life would be hectic a bit at the beginning. i guess i would have to let go the luxury of going back from work while the sunlight is still strong.

but again, it's not like i was doing anything significant with my life on all those days when i came back early from work anyway. i mean, what did i do? i just went back home and slumped on my sofa. i might as well spin those time for making overtime money. i just have to think the whole thing as an investment. suffer now for better future.

that's why i have to make sure my current boss would let me go without much hassle. even if i have to suck it all up a little. after the weekly conference call with US site this morning, i had a personal talk with him. he was all, 'ok i think this is a good career move for you and i'm ok with your transfer application blah blah blah but of course i hope you'd stay'.

yeah, right.

that's why he gave me that pathetic increment and no promotion. to get me to stay. i did not know that.

i don't get him sometimes. bosses do the craziest stuff if u asked me. i mean, 50% of our topics when we got together, you know, during tea breaks or taking water from watercoolers, were complaints about our bosses. like today, the bosses herd together from one room to another having closed-door talks, prompting speculations among us ,the commoners.

anyway, i'm not gonna fret about that much. for all i know, i already submitted my application. now that the ball is already in the other side's court, i'm left crossing my fingers.

even if it means crossing them while being dormant on bed at 9pm.


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