Sunday, October 09, 2005

day after tomorrow

i got headache all day, which became worse and worse morning to afternoon to evening. it's the 5th day fasting today, which means panadol is not an option. besides, received in e-mail chain that panadol stays in our liver up to 5 years, so i'm really making effort to reduce my intake anyway.

which is a pity really. hail to whoever invented panadol. i like the red one, panadol extra. that white pills are like magic, little drops of heaven that could cure headache in few minutes time. seriously.

actually i think the real problem must be my eyes. i'm not wearing any glasses or contact lenses, but i do suspect my eyes is causing me headache sometimes. especially because i love reading while lying down in beds, and watching movies in dark room. one of these days i really need to go for check-outs.

which should be the right thing to do. tackle the root cause of the problem.

not like a bit like thaksin, who send troops to southern thailand and start catching random local religious leaders to reduce the regional unrest. does he care to find out whats troubling the southern muslims? no. and does he succeed in forming peace there? double no.

nobody learns from bush's mistake in tackling terrorism. war is a big no-no. he could catch all the so-called al-qaeda leaders he wants, but for every man he captured, 10 more will emerge. it's a never ending story. the world gets even more unsafe to live on as the days go by.

add those humanitarian conflicts with recent mother nature catastrophies, and we'll get the impression that the whole world is in a mess. tsunami in south-east asia, hurricanes in north america, landslide in middle america, earthquake in south asia, the list goes on. that's what obvious in our eyes, but what about dengue epidemic in singapore and malaysia, and bird flu in indonesia?

it's ramadhan now, the month of devotion to god, and pray for forgiveness and our well-being. i sure hope things will get better.

if it's any indication, my headache is getting better. really.


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